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Image by Johannes Krupinski



Being an Impact Maker is all about reaching people who do not yet know Jesus and making a difference in our community and all around the world. Impact Makers support missions, church expansion, local outreach and training future Christian leaders. When you give above your tithe for the purpose of spreading the Gospel, you are an Impact Maker!


Currently we partner with, support, and provide...

Making an Impact...










Meal Ministry &

Hospital Visitation Team



Our responsibility, first and foremost, is to reach out to those in our own backyard by meeting practical needs and sharing the Good News of Jesus with people. We are dedicated to helping people follow Jesus, find freedom, discover purpose, and make an IMPACT by fulfilling the Great Commission. We each have a responsibility to do the work of the ministry (James 5:13). Our desire is that people will see the city they live in as their mission field and be the solution to this hurting world.


Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20) Because of this command, we pray for and support missionaries and organizations around the world.

Our Local Partners


Our responsibility, first and foremost, is to reach out to those in our own backyard by meeting practical needs and sharing the Good News of Jesus with people. We are dedicated to helping people follow Jesus, find freedom, discover purpose, and make an IMPACT by fulfilling the Great Commission. We each have a responsibility to do the work of the ministry (James 5:13). Our desire is that people will see the city they live in as their mission field and be the solution to this hurting world.


Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20) Because of this command, we pray for and support missionaries and organizations around the world.

Our Global Partners


The Gibsons

Barrett and Eugenia are serving in Nicaragua where their ministry plans are church planting, evangelism, and praying for the sick. They desire to see the lost come to Jesus.


The Tewerns

The Trewern family started their missionary journey in Italy this past year. It has been an exciting journey preparing for the church plant, but it is not without great trial and sacrifice. Let’s continue to lift them up in prayer as they fulfill the call of God on their lives.

Northern Iraq

Emily Chavez

Emily Chavez is a single woman taking on the mission of spreading the Gospel in Northern Iraq.


The Meachams

Tim and Janela Meachem have a passion in their hearts to serve the people of Russia and tell them all about the hope and life change that can be found in Jesus. Reclaim Church is happy to partner with them as they begin this new adventure.


The Muzarts

The Muzart Family: Eric and Jan Alexia(&Ben), Anastasia(&Nick), Kristina, Michael have a passion for student ministry. Their desire is to make an impact for Jesus in education. They seek to transform the University, Marketplace, and the world for Jesus.


The Jesters

The Jester family is on mission is to raise the awareness of the African cause in the American Church. Their desire is to help create a culture where the call to missions is fully realized across America in every church and on every campus.Jacob and Kristin will work creatively and strategically through partnerships and events with Chi-Alpha, District Youth Camps and Conventions to mobilize 400 new missionaries to Africa by 2024.


The Goldschmidts

The Goldschmidts have been serving in Scotland since 2007. They have been a part of many different ministries and are willing to try new ways of reaching the people of Scotland with the Gospel. They are currently church planting in Edinburgh, Scotland's capital city, and God is doing amazing things through Bridge Family Church. Through toddler groups, soccer team chaplaincy, outreaches in the local Starbucks and participating in the Largest Creative Festival in the world people from all parts of the World are hearing about Jesus through their ministry. Continue to pray for the Goldschmidts.


The Sangiancos

The Sangianco family are serving as lead pastors at Neighborhood AG Church Okinawa, Japan. Neighborhood is an International Christian Assembly with a focus on Military Ministries. Retiring after serving 20 years in the United States Navy they understand the unique struggles that the men and women of our Armed Forces go through. God has put a burden in their hearts to reach out to them with the love of Jesus. It would be a sad injustice to those who put their lives on the line for us every day to lose out on salvation because we, the church, neglected them. There is a wonderful mix of Military, Japanese and International members at Neighborhood Church.

Our Missionaries




For a deeper understanding of our purpose and commitment, check out our mission page.



We invite you to discover what we stand for, which shapes our church community.



Learn more about our core values and principals that guide our faith community.



Our leadership team is the heart of the congregation, providing spiritual guidance and ensuring the community's vitality.

Our purpose is to show love and care to individuals in a local hospital. We offer visitation to those who are in the hospital, in convalescent or nursing facilities, or at their homes. Team members visit those in need to offer prayer and encouragement.


If you would like someone to come visit you or a loved one in the hospital, please fill out a visitation request form.

Hospital Visitation Team

Food Delivery

Reclaim Meal Ministry

Reclaim Church is blessed with volunteer church members, who love to prepare and deliver dinner meals using their personal resources and time, to help our church family who are recovering from medical issues, personal crisis, or loss, or have newborn infants. Providing a meal is one way in which we serve and love one another.


“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:35 NLT


“…For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in….The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of my brothers of mine, you did for me.’ “ Matthew 25:35,40 NIV

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE in the Meals Ministry, we would love to connect with you and welcome you to this serve team.

-Pastor Keri Hedrick

623-238-4969 |

We reserve all meal requests for attenders or members of Reclaim Church. We serve families/individuals whose needs are not already being met through their involvement in a Small Group Bible study, family, or friends.

Who We Serve

Meal Requests should receive a 48-72-hour notice before starting that first meal on an approved meal schedule. (Exceptions can apply)

When Do Meals Start

Meals Schedules usually last 1-2 weeks, and DINNER meals are served every other day (exceptions can apply). If more service time is needed, we can assess the situation at the end of the meal schedule.

How Long Does a Meal Schedule Last

Evaluate the involvement of help from your small group, family and friends before contacting us. If you are asking for help on behalf of someone within our church, please get their permission first before you contact us. Meal requests are made through calls or email to Pastor Keri Hedrick

How To Ask For Help




For a deeper understanding of our purpose and commitment, check out our mission page.



We invite you to discover what we stand for, which shapes our church community.



Learn more about our core values and principals that guide our faith community.



Our leadership team is the heart of the congregation, providing spiritual guidance and ensuring the community's vitality.